All Publications

Showing 181 - 190 of 587
Guide / Toolkit

Country-Level Savings Assessment Tool: Improving the Supply of Deposit Services for Poor People

Guide to Country Level Savings Assessment Tool application in microfinance
Guide / Toolkit

Influencing the NAPs Inclusion - A Toolkit for Microfinance Organisations

How can MFIs achieve social impact?

Republic of Armenia: Consumer Credit Law

This law regulates relations pertaining to credit agreements

Republic of Armenia: Law on Attracting Deposits

This law pertains to regulating bank deposits from households in Armenia

Undermining Sustainable Local Economic and Social Development with Microfinance: Evidence from Croatia

Presented at the Conference "An Enterprise Odyssey: Tourism, Governance and Entrepreneurship," 2008

A Review of the Economic and Social Impact of Microfinance: With Analysis of Options for the Mediterranean Region

Reviewing beneficial impact of microfinance on households and microenterprises

From Exclusion to Inclusion through Microfinance: Critical Issues

How microfinance can help overcome financial and social exclusion in the European Union

The Impact of Peer Lending on Women Borrowing for Enterprise: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

How does microcredit encourage the growth of female entrepreneurship?