All Publications

Showing 771 - 780 of 886

Bank Lending to Small Businesses in Latin America: Does Bank Origin Matter?

Do foreign banks ignore small businesses?

Information Asymmetry and Trust: A Framework for Studying Microfinance in India

The role of 'trust' in the delivery of financial services

Micro-insurance in Burkina Faso

What are the conditions for the growth of microinsurance in developing countries?

Microbanking Development, Regulation and Supervision

Who are the beneficiaries and for what purpose should microbanking be developed?

Microcredit in the Caribbean Experiences & Best Practices (Executive Summary)

Assessing the microfinance environment to identify best practices
Case Study

Microfinance in Post Communist Countries: The Case of Poland

Exploring development of microfinance in transition countries

Sustainable Livelihoods Project, Angola - Microfinance for Urban Poverty Reduction

How successful has the Sustainable Livelihoods Project been in Luanda?
Case Study

Women and Men in Rural Microfinance: The Case of Jordan

What contributes to economies of scale in microfinance institutions?