All Publications

Showing 251 - 260 of 355
Case Study

Linking MFIs to Commercial Financing in Latin America

Tapping formal financial markets through a specialized investment fund
Case Study

Microenterprise: Laying the Foundation for Economic Development

USAID's activities in 2002

Positioning Microfinance Institutions for the Capital Markets

How can microfinance institutions attract private capital investment?

Recapitalizing Liberia: Principles for Providing Grants and Loans for Microenterprise Development

Building an entrepreneurial sector in post-conflict Liberia

Toward Sustainable & Equitable Development - Sector Strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean: An Overview

Will IADB's seven sector strategies be successful in addressing the problem of poverty?

Mobilising Investors Towards Microfinance

Are private investors seeking better microfinance infrastructure and investment opportunities?

Empowering the Poor - Local Governance for Poverty Reduction

What is UNCDF's strategy on poverty reduction

International Investment Funds: Mobilising Investors towards Microfinance

How can investment funds contribute to the development of the microfinance sector?