All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 374

Optimising Performance and Efficiency Series: Risk Management

Presenting guidelines for MFIs on risk management

Overlapping and Information Systems in Microcredit: A Bangladesh Perspective

Paper presented at the Second European Research Conference on Microfinance, June 16-18, 2011

Risks to Microfinance in Pakistan: Findings from a Risk Assessment Survey

What are the risks faced by Pakistan’s microfinance sector?

State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2012

Exploring solutions to challenges facing the microfinance sector

The Andhra Pradesh Crisis: Clients' Perspective

Understanding credit risk associated with lending to the poor in India

The Social Meaning of Over-indebtedness and Creditworthiness in the Context of Poor Rural South India Households (Tamil Nadu)

Studying over-indebtedness in low income households in India

Over-Indebtedness and Microfinance: Constructing an Early Warning Index

Fostering development of a sustainable microfinance sector

Term Structure of Debt and Entrepreneurial Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Microfinance

Managing trade-off between risk reduction and enterprise growth