All Publications

Showing 271 - 280 of 467

The Cost Structure of Microfinance Institutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Lending methodologies of MFIs to ascertain cost efficiency

The Development and Implementation of a Uniform Set of Performance Standards for All Types of Microfinance Institutions in the Philippines

A set of standards measuring portfolio quality, operational efficiency, sustainability and outreach

The State of Microcredit: Outreach, Profitability, and Poverty (Paper)

What factors affect a microfinance institution's outreach and profitability?

Transversal Analysis of MFO Performance in Africa

Analyzing trends and benchmarking African MFIs

Can MFIs Achieve the Double Bottom Line?

Can MFIs successfully combine outreach with financial sustainability?
Case Study

Rural Finance in Conflict Environments: Experiences from Nepal's Small-Farmer Cooperatives Limited (SFCL)

Examining the efficacy of farmers' cooperatives in building peace
Case Study

Regional Microfinance Development Nusa Tenggara Barat : Concept and Implementation Strategy

Details of a project developing microfinance in a remote province in Indonesia
Case Study

Yeshasvini Trust, Karnataka - India

Case study analyzing self-funded health insurance scheme

Credit Information Systems in Less-Developed Countries: Recent History and a Test

Improving credit market performance and transparency

Factors Influencing the Financial Sustainability of Selected Microfinance Institutions in Namibia

Assessing the relationship between group lending and financial sustainability