All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 73
Guide / Toolkit

Costing and Pricing of Financial Services: A Toolkit

Analyzing toolkit that will help MFIs in determining the full-costs of delivering products
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance Product Costing Tool

How should a MFI determine the costs of its products?

The Impact of Interest Rate Ceilings on Microfinance

What is the best way to safeguard the interest of poor borrowers?

Subsidizing Microcredit Interest: How Important Is It to the Poor?

Exploring how reaching out to clients in more remote areas will increase operational costs

Microcredit Interest Rates

Model for setting sustainable interest rates

Making Sense of Microcredit Interest Rates

Why are microfinance interest rates so high?

Product Costing in Practice: The Experience of MicroSave (Report)

Examing product costs and how to use the results to optimise product and institutional performance

Product Costing in Practice: The Experience of MicroSave (Brief Note)

The whats and whys of product costing
Case Study

The Pricing of Credit Risk in Banking Regulation: The Case of Peru

What are the methods of measuring credit risk and their consequences?