All Publications

Showing 181 - 190 of 877

Factors that Matter for Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Peru

Identifying factors for financial inclusion in Peru

Financial Inclusion and the role of Mobile Banking in Colombia: Developments and Potential

Analyzing the potential for mobile banking in Colombia

Sustaining Graduation: A Review of The CLM Program in Haiti

Assessing the sustainability of benefits from Chemen Lavi Miyo Program in Haiti

The Progress Out of Poverty Index: A Detailed Analysis of MFI Implementation

Providing recommendations to MFIs based on a review of the Progress Out of Poverty Index
Case Study

Expanding E-Money Services in Peru: Reaching Unbanked Clients and Advancing Financial Inclusion

E-money as a financial inclusion tool to address banking challenges in rural parts of Peru
Case Study

Scale: Thinking Big- Case Studies

Studying the drivers of scale in microinsurance
Case Study

The Advance of Mobile Banking in Ecuador: Leveraging Shared, Industry-wide Infrastructure for Rural Financial Inclusion

Reducing barriers to financial inclusion and ensuring wider reach in Ecuador
Case Study

Microcredit Impacts: Evidence from a Randomized Microcredit Program Placement Experiment by Compartamos Banco

Evaluating the effects of an increase in access to microcredit in Mexico

Do Agents Improve Financial Inclusion? Evidence from a National Survey in Brazil

Analyzing the access to formal financial services with the help of agent networks

Financial Capability in Mexico: Results from a National Survey on Financial Behaviors, Attitudes, and Knowledge

Evaluating financial capability in Mexico