All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 465

Food Security: Implications for Supervisors

This Note examines the topic of food security addressing the issues that supervisors face, given their mandate and the overlap of issues.


Investing in Equitable AI for Inclusive Finance

This publication gives an overview of the use cases of AI in inclusive finance and some of the drivers of harmful AI bias towards women.


Prompts for Equitable Artificial Intelligence in Inclusive Finance

This research presents some of the key challenges with building accountability and transparency for AI in inclusive finance.


Advancing Gender Equality While Driving Business Growth

This brief outlines why financial service providers should advance gender equality in financial inclusion and how they can approach this process.


Bolstering Women’s Climate Resilience and Adaptation Through Financial Services

This working paper illustrates how women are differently impacted by climate change and how financial services can play a better role in strengthening their autonomous adaptive capacities to climate change.


Inclusive Fintech Funding in Times of Uncertainty

This publication shares insights from interviews with past Inclusive Fintech 50  winners and fintech investors to learn how they are adapting to these uncertain times and the impact of the funding challenges on their business models and the low-income customers they serve.


Building a Bridge Between Financial Education and Financial Health

This publication focuses on understanding the relationship between financial education and financial health and how these can ultimately contribute to improve the lives of low-income populations.


Inclusive Green Finance: A Policy and Advocacy Approach

This report examines how access and usage of financial services can help build resilience in the face of climate shocks, while also providing opportunities to participate in green economic sectors, including agriculture, renewable energy, transport, and waste management.


Moving Markets Towards Open Finance

This paper summarizes open finance policy approaches globally, as well as the ways that government-controlled financial data can help catalyze open finance where industry is hesitant to lead.


Consumer Protection for Open Finance Ecosystems

This report identifies several emerging risks related to open finance, and proposes ways in which these risks can be measured, monitored, and mitigated against by leveraging the data available in open finance ecosystems.