All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 84
Training Material

Interviewing SMEs

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)
Training Material

Investing in SMEs

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)
Case Study

ADB-OECD Study on Enhancing Financial Accessibility for SMEs: Lessons from Recent Crises

Analyzing organizations' experiences for policies that can strengthen the sustainability of SMEs

Securing Credit for Growth: The Case for a New Asset Register in Kenya

Identifying steps to establish a movable asset registry in Kenya

Capital Market Financing for SMEs: A Growing Need in Emerging Asia

Utilizing capital markets for funding SMEs in Asia

Women-Owned SMEs: A Business Opportunity for Financial Institutions

A Market and credit gap assessment and IFC's portfolio gender baseline

SMEs and Banks in Latin America and the Caribbean: Closing the Gap for Banks in the Region – Sixth Regional Survey

Incorporating the opinions of stakeholders responsible for the SME segment

Survey on the Access to Finance of SMEs in the Euro Area: September 2010 To February 2011

Presenting findings on European small and medium enterprises

The Missing Middle in Agricultural Finance: Relieving the Capital Constraint on Smallholder Groups and Other Agricultural SMEs

Financing small and medium scale agricultural enterprises