All Publications

Showing 241 - 250 of 355

Update on Donor Actions Taken

This paper offers examples of follow-up actions taken by donors to improve their effectiveness

2004 Annual Review - Small Business Activities

Small and medium enterprise development: IFC's initiatives for bottom up growth

CGAP/MIX Study on MFI Demand for Funding: Report of Survey Results

Results of new survey indicate that MFIs perceive funding as the biggest constraint to growth
Case Study

Corona Foundation: Enterprise Development Fund Foundation - Sustainability and Microcredit

How can the Enterprise Development Fund Foundation help Colombian micro-entrepreneurs access funds?

Do Apex Models Make Sense for Microfinance?

Are national apex funds a good financing option for microfinance?

Foreign Investment in Microfinance: Debt and Equity from Quasi-Commercial Investors

CGAP's Focus Note No. 25 analyzes foreign investment as a growing source of funds for MFIs

India Microfinance Investment Environment Profile

Assessing the investment risk in India's microfinance sector