All Publications

Showing 401 - 410 of 467
Guide / Toolkit

Performance Measurement Framework for Business Development Services: Progress Report on the Sustainability and Cost-Effectiveness Indicators Survey

What is the status of the sustainability and cost-effectiveness indicators survey?
Case Study

Banking to Serve Microenterprises: The Banestado Case

What are the advantages of client-focused microfinance?
Case Study

CARE Microfinance Case Study - Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

How can group lending be a segue into individual lending in post-conflict regions?
Guide / Toolkit

Financial Performance Monitoring: A Guide for Board Members of Microfinance Institutions

Making sense of numbers in financial documents

Performance Measurement Framework for Business Development Services: Technical Note on the Research Findings of the Performance Measurement Framework Field Research

The potential and limitations of Performance Measurement Framework
Guide / Toolkit

How to Focus on Breakthrough Organizations When Selecting MFIs

How to identify potentially high performing microfinance institutions?

Identifying Promising MFIs

How to identify potentially high performing MFIs?

Making Small Business Lending Profitable

Proceedings from the Global Conference on Credit Scoring April 2–3, 2001, Washington, D.C.
Guide / Toolkit

Performance Measurement Framework for Business Development Services: Sustainability & Cost-Effectiveness Assessment Guide

How to conduct assessment of sustainability and cost-effectiveness?