All Publications

Showing 221 - 230 of 867

The Wisdom of the Group: How Lessons from Savings Groups Can Guide Financial Product Innovation

Analyzing the mechanisms that make savings groups effective

Access to Finance for Smallholder Farmers: Learning from the Experiences of Microfinance Institutions in Latin America

Understanding the motivations of MFIs that venture into agricultural finance

Beyond Vouchers: Meeting Growing Demand for Off-Net P2P Transfers

Examining the efficacy of using mobile vouchers for P2P transfers

Demand for Microfinance in Yemen: Market Survey

Exploring the needs of microfinance clients in Yemen
Guide / Toolkit

Direct-to-Farmer Finance: Innovation Spaces Playbook

Describing innovation opportunities and new ideas to scale the potential of smallholders

Inclusive Finance for Housing: Exploring Viable Business Models

Investigating issues faced by MFIs in developing housing microfinance products

Individual Lending to Microenterprises in Mexico: An Overview of Constraints and Opportunities

Designing an efficient framework for microenterprise lending in Mexico

Insights into Actions: What Human-Centered Design Means for Financial Inclusion

Explaining an innovative approach to learn directly from customers

Institutional and Non-Bank lending and the Role of Debt Funds

Evaluating the potential of debt funds as a financing channel for SMEs

Insurance for Contractual Workers of Micro and Small Enterprises in India - A Conscience Call

Assessing the need for insurance products for contractual workers in India