All Publications

Showing 761 - 770 of 877
Case Study

Participation and Sustainability in Social Projects: The Experience of the Local Development Program (PRODEL) in Nicaragua

Lowering the costs of construction through community participation

Policies to Promote Non-farm Rural Employment in Latin America

How to promote rural non-farm employment in Latin America?

Protecting Deposits in Savings and Credit Cooperatives

Examining measures needed to protect member deposits in savings and credit cooperatives

Remittances and Markets: New Players and Practices

What are developmental advantages of remittances?

The Developmental Role of Remittances in U.S. Latino Communities and in Latin American Countries

Emerging facets of migrant remittances

Brazil: Law No 4,595 Of December 31, 1964

Regulation and supervision of the National Financial System of Brazil

Microfinance and Risk Management: A Client Perspective

Does microfinance help clients manage risk? An introduction

Moving Towards Risk-based Supervision in Developing Economies

How can risk based supervision can assist in identifying potential risks ahead of time?

The Impact of Access to Credit on the Saving Behavior of Microentrepreneurs: Evidence from 3 Latin American Countries

Why shifting savings into deposit accounts benefits microentrepreneurs and financial markets

Microfinance, Risk Management and Poverty

A full, comparative analysis of microfinance outreach and client coping strategies