All Publications

Showing 1661 - 1670 of 1693

Consumption Credit in Rural Financial Market Development

Do financial institutions limiting services to credit for productive purposes ignore rural clients?

Ethiopia: Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business Directives

A directive containing provisions governing the licensing and supervision of banking business

ROSCA and ASCRA: Beyond the Financial Landscape

How have ROSCAs and ASCRAs evolved in Africa?

Malawi: Directive on Minimum Capital Ratios for Financial Institutions

What are the minimum capital standard requirements for financial institutions in Malawi?

Attitudes and Practices of Credit Union Members and Non-Members in Malawi and Grenada: Synthesis Report

What is the nature and extent of credit union involvement in MSE financing?

The Development of Cooperatives and Other Rural Organizations: The Role of the World Bank

Farm cooperatives and similar organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa and supporting World Bank programs

Uganda: The Financial Institutions Statute, 1993

Statute regulating the activities of financial institutions in Uganda
Case Study

A Review of Donor-Funded Projects in Support of Micro- and Small-Scale Enterprises in West Africa: Case Studies

Examining similarities and differences in donor-funded credit projects for MSEs

Ghana: Financial Institutions (Non-Banking) Law, 1993

Law governing a non-banking financial institution in Ghana

Malawi: Directive on Credit Concentration for Financial Institutions

What are the laws governing credit concentration requirements for financial institutions in Malawi?