All Publications

Showing 1181 - 1190 of 1694

Regulation, Supervision, and Access to Microfinance: The Case of Ghana

The Bank of Ghana's attempts at regulation

Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Microfinance Banks [MFBs] in Nigeria

The regulatory environment in Nigeria for microfinance

Rwanda Microfinance Sector Assessment 2005

Microfinance sector assessment of Rwanda, 2005

Segmenting the Markets for Savings among the Poor Across Countries

How different groups of poor people are saving in Africa?

Support for Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Looking at the need to support women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

The Access Frontier for Health Insurance

Lending a hand to the South African poor – Models for insurance

The Banking and Financial Services Act: Chapter 387 of the Laws of Zambia

The interpretation and application of Zambia's Banking and Financial Services Act

The Complementary Use of Loans and Grants

How to use grants to graduate people to credit and other financial services?

The Financial Diaries: Investigating the Financial Lives of the Poor in South Africa

Presenting a detailed picture of the financial lives of the poor in South Africa