All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 305

Mass Retail Banking: How Savings Banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America Can Provide Usable Services to the Poor

How can savings banks achieve take-up of their products and services by poor people?
Case Study

Youth's Financial Inclusion Policy Reform Study: Case Study of Youth in Post and Ongoing Conflict

Identifying the opportunities and challenges in demand and supply of microfinance services in Sudan

2011 Middle East and North Africa Regional Snapshot

Identifying key trends in the microfinance sector of Middle East and North Africa in 2011

Mobile Financial Services: The Microfinance Perspective

How can MFIs get involved in the provision of mobile financial services?

A New Middle East: Investing Where It Matters Most

Investing in youth and small businesses in Middle East and North Africa

The Microcredit Sector in Morocco Pre and Post Crisis

Highlighting lessons learned from the microcredit crisis in Morocco

Microfinance and Energy Poverty

How can the microfinance sector in Africa increase access to energy?

Taking Stock: Financial Education Initiatives for the Poor

Increasing outreach through financial education
Case Study

Adoption of Mifos at Al Majmoua

Examining benefits of technology implementation

State of Iraq's Microfinance Industry

Reviewing the state of Iraqi microfinance