All Publications

Showing 171 - 180 of 213

Renewable Energy for Microenterprise

How can microfinance fund renewable energy initiatives?

Doing Well By Doing Good: The Future Of Microfinance Via Regulated Financial Institutions

Is there a need to regulate the microfinance market?

The East Asian Crisis and Microfinance

How did Indonesia fare in the East Asian Crisis?

Micro Banking in Indonesia Over the Period of Monetary Crisis

How did the monetary crisis affect the performance of microfinance institutions in Indonesia?

Safety Nets and Safety Ropes: Comparing the Dynamic Benefit Incidence of Two Indonesia "JPS" Programs

Who are "safety net" programmes really aimed at?

Agricultural Development Banks: Close Them or Reform Them?

What are the steps towards reforming rural finance?

How to Regulate and Supervise Microfinance? - Key Issues in an International Perspective

What risks and profiles are common to the regulation of microfinance institutions?

Legislation, Regulation, and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions in Indonesia

The Indonesian environment for legislation, regulation and supervision of microfinance institutions

Coverage and Targeting in the Indonesian Social Safety Net Programs: Evidence from 100 Village Survey

Why have "safety net" programmes failed to reach the poor?