All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 877

Fonkoze’s CLM Ultra Poverty Programme

Understanding and improving child development and child well-being

The Financial Needs of Mexicans

How do Mexicans meet their financial needs?

Pathways to Sustained Exit From Extreme Poverty

Evidence from Fonkoze’s extreme poverty ‘graduation’ program

Targeting the Ultra-Poor

Lessons from Fonkoze’s Graduation Program in Haiti

Financial Inclusion Report 2017

Analyzing the current state of access and usage of financial services in Colombia

The Landscape of Microinsurance in Latin America and the Caribbean 2017 - Preliminary Briefing Note

Analysis of the microinsurance sector with data from regulators and other secondary sources

Information Disclosure and Demand Elasticity of Financial Products: Evidence from a Multi-Country Study

Testing the effectiveness of simplified disclosure formats in Peru and Mexico

Regulatory Impact Assessments: Microinsurance Regulations in Peru and the Philippines

Evaluating the outcomes of the microinsurance regulatory frameworks

Client Outcomes Report: 2014-2016

Evaluating the impact of Friendship Bridge's microcredit plus program in Guatemala
Slide Deck

Frontier Agents: Case Studies from Brazil, India, Mexico, and Tanzania

Innovative approaches by public and private sector actors in tackling the challenges faced by DFS agents