All Publications

Showing 331 - 340 of 355

The Role of Subsidies in Microfinance: Evidence From the Grameen Bank

Addressing the costs and benefits of subsidization
Case Study

A French Position

How has French Aid helped enhance the profile of microfinance?

Apex Microfinance Institutions: A Review of Their Record

Examining the resaons why apex organizations have performed disappointingly
Case Study

Case Studies in Microfinance: Albania - Albanian Development Fund (ADF)

Profiling Albania's microfinance sector in 1997 through ADF operations

Microfinance Donors: Preparing for Natural Disaster

The donor's role in risk-proofing the microfinance industry for large-scale natural disasters

Microfinance Guarantees: Is There Another Model?

Do guarantee schemes have a role in microfinance?

Client Monitoring Systems for Microfinance Institutions: AIMS Assistance to the Workers Bank of Jamaica

Examining integrating practical monitoring systems into financial institutions' database systems

Apex Organizations and the Growth of Microfinance in Bolivia

Analyzing the arguments against apex organizations in microfinance

Trends in Venture Capital Finance in Developing Countries

An empirical study on venture capital financing in developing countries