All Publications

Showing 231 - 240 of 587

Underwriting Area-based Yield Insurance to Eliminate 'Risk Rationing' and Crowd-in Credit Supply and Demand

Paper presented at conference on rural finance research "Moving Results into Policies and Practice"

Banking Regulations Must Also Factor in the Growing Role of Microcredit

Facilitating microfinance development through appropriate regulation

Credit Appraisal for Non-Banking Financial Organizations in Tajikistan

A manual on credit appraisals for non-banking financial organizations

Financial Services for Russian Small Business - Market Situation and Perspectives

Analyzing demand and supply of financial services in Russia’s SME sector

From Exclusion to Inclusion through Microfinance (Policy Brief)

This paper recommends ways for European governments to develop inclusive financial systems
Guide / Toolkit

How to Talk to a Bank

Helping Serbian consumers communicate with bankers

Law on Microcredit Organizations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Describing regulation for microcredit organizations

Microcredit in Europe - Experiences of Savings Banks

What methods do savings banks use to further their involvement in microfinance?

Microfinance Institutions in Central Asia: Benchmarks and Analysis 2005

Impact that policy has had on the development of microfinance sector in the Central Asian republics

Reconsidering UK Community Development Finance

Role of community institutions in tackling financial exclusion and economic disadvantage