All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 112

Structured Microfinance in China

This paper discusses the potential for commercial microfinance in China
Case Study

NGO Micro Credit Projects in Yunnan and Sichuan: Five Case Studies

Delivering microfinance services through different models

Financial Development, Growth, and Regional Disparity in Post-Reform China

How have deepening financial development and economic growth widened income disparities in China?

Financial Sector Development and Growth: The Chinese Experience

What is the relationship between financial development and economic growth in China?
Case Study

Operational Features and Institutional Innovation of Micro-credit Lending Institutions: Lending without taking deposit

Pilot test: Lending without taking deposit in Guizhou, Sichuan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia
Case Study

Micro-loans Secured by Time Deposits - The Beginning of Lending Operations for China Postal Savings

China Postal Savings and Remittance Bureau's initial success in microloans secured by time deposits

Technical Assistance People's Republic of China: Urban Poverty Strategy Study II

How to assess and alleviate poverty in urban China?

China City Commercial Banks: Opportunity for Microfinance Delivery?

Can commercial banks be an effective delivery channel for microfinance in China?

Domestic Money Transfer Services for Migrant Workers in China

How can the domestic remittance market in China be improved?

Microfinance in China: Re-awakening the Dragon

The microfinance scenario in China: The market, current status and challenges