All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

The Banking on Change Youth Savings Group Model: From Saving and Learning to Banking and Earning

Practitioner’s guide of 10 principles for setting up Youth Savings Groups
Guide / Toolkit

The Business Skills Training Guide

A 17-point rule book for income-generating activities from Rwanda's graduation program
Guide / Toolkit

Guide to the Use of Digital Financial Services in Agriculture

Tool for identifying chronic value chain challenges and corresponding solutions
Guide / Toolkit

Series of SPTF Guidance Notes: Issues 1-6

Practical resources to help practitioners refine their Social Performance Management practices
Guide / Toolkit

Client Outcome Performance (COPE) Indicators Database and Instructions

Tool for compiling, monitoring and analyzing MFI clients' poverty levels and other data
Guide / Toolkit

Effective Codes of Conduct: A Guide for Microfinance Associations

Seven-step process to develop, implement and maintain a Code of Conduct
Guide / Toolkit

PROPEL Toolkit: An Implementation Guide to the Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach

Tools, forms and formats from BRAC's experience with Graduation programs
Guide / Toolkit

Insights on Credit Risk and Agriculture Value Chain Finance: Promoting Rural Microfinance through Peer-to-Peer Learning

Tools to assist financial institutions in developing new, creative financing structures
Guide / Toolkit

Program Quality Guidelines for Savings Groups

A sector-wide effort to build quality from the onset as a guarantee for consumer protection