All Publications

Showing 251 - 260 of 374
Case Study

VimoSEWA, India

Is the VimoSEWA model likely to positively impact development?

Bridging the Finance Gap: ACCION's Experience with Guarantee Funds for Microfinance Institutions

ACCION Guarantee Funds: Attracting commercial capital to microfinance

Collateral and Risk Sharing in Group Lending: Evidence from an Urban Microcredit Program

Analyzing the role of collaterals in urban microcredit programs

Can Scoring Help Attract Profit-minded Investors to Microcredit?

Exploring the role of scoring in attarcting private investors to microcredit

Credit Scoring for Leasing: How Leasing Models Differ from Bank Lending Models

How can the process of scoring be simplified for micro-lenders?
Guide / Toolkit

RTS Risk Management Guide

Combining technical and operational mechanisms to mitigate security breach in value chain

Microinsurance Demand & Market Prospects: Lao People's Democratic Republic

Needing financial intermediaries with strong portfolios to develop a robust microinsurance market

Managing Agricultural Production Risk - Innovations in Developing Countries

How to make insurance against extreme weather events more effective and affordable?

Risk Management for the Poor and Vulnerable

How can microfinance institutions help the poor in managing risk?