All Publications

Showing 161 - 170 of 374

Promoting Credit Bureaus: The Role of Microfinance Associations

How can associations develop and promote credit bureaus?

Provisions of Standard Commercial Guarantee Agreements: Technical Guide

Introducing provisions of standard commercial guarantee agreements to MFIs
Case Study

Understanding Customer Behavior of Multiple Borrowing through Prospect Theory: Case Study of Indian Microfinance Clients

Paper presented at "Challenges to Inclusive Growth in the Emerging Economies," Dec. 15-17, 2010
Case Study

Can Workfare Serve as a Substitute for Weather Insurance? The Case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

Helping the rural poor cope better with weather risks

Do Risky Borrowers Really Invest in Risky Projects? A Test of Stiglitz and Weiss with Bolivian Microfinance

Choosing between risky and safe projects

Innovations in Insuring the Poor: Overview

Increasing risk management mechanisms available to the poor

Risk, Poverty, and Insurance

Developing group-based mechanism to improve uptake of insurance

Working in the Context of Today's Crisis, Managing the Risks and Challenges

Proceedings from "Examining Cambodia's microfinance amid the global financial crisis" Cambodia, 2009

Microfinance Through the Crisis

Tracking recovery of MFIs from the economic crisis

Does Microfinance Repayment Flexibility Affect Entrepreneurial Behavior and Loan Default?

Evaluating whether rigid payment schedules inhibit investment in microenterprises