All Publications

Showing 341 - 350 of 422

Microcredit and the Poorest of the Poor: Theory and Evidence from Bolivia

What determines the depth of outreach?

Should Microfinance be Subsidized? What are the Costs and Benefits?

Discussing subsidy versus sustainability in designing microcredit schemes

Cost Benefit Analysis Applied to Micro Credit Program Evaluation

Can Cost Benefit Analysis be used for impact assessment?

Impact of Credit with Education on Mother's and Their Young Children's Nutrition: CRECER Credit with Education Program in Bolivia

Mixing micro credit, education and health: Interesting results from Bolivia

Increasing Indebtedness, Institutional Change and Credit Contracts In Peru

What stimulated credit in Peru and what are the range of responses?

Flush With Loans: Micro Credit for Rural Sanitation

Can a low cost scheme for rural sanitation turning out to be path breaking?
Case Study

A Second Look at Credit Crunch: The Philippine Case

How real is the credit crunch?

Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch?

Should banks in the Philippines loosen their lending policy to overcome the credit crunch?

Credit for Poor and Low-income Entrepreneurs in Urban and Rural Northern Thailand

Proceedings from the "Inter-University Seminar on Social Development" June 16-18, 1999

Credit Scoring and Loan Scoring: Tools for Improved Management of Federal Credit Programs

Examining whether credit and loan scores are of benefit to lenders