All Publications

Showing 311 - 320 of 467

Performance Evaluation of MFIs

Methodology to evaluate the performance of microfinance institutions
Case Study

Profitability of Microfinance in Commercial Banks: Case Studies of CREDIFE and Hatton National Bank

Are commercial banks attracted by the profit potential of microfinance?

Quality Label for Microfinance Investment Funds

The key points considerations when awarding a quality label to a microfinance investment fund

Serving Depositors: Managing Transactions

Managing branch operations for efficient transactions
Case Study

SMMPC (A): The Beginnings of a Cooperative

Tracking the growth of SMMPC
Case Study

SMMPC (B): Working Towards Sustainable Development

Implementing improvements for growth
Case Study

SMMPC (C): The Cooperative Revisited

Reviewing SMMPC's experience and its performance

The Art and Science of Pricing Financial Services

What are the intricacies of pricing?

Borrower Runs

Risks of borrower default and a roadmap for achieving long term sustainability