All Publications

Showing 151 - 160 of 333
Case Study

Transforming Microfinance in Kenya: the Experience of Faulu Kenya and Kenya Women Finance Trust

Examining the transformation of MFIs into deposit-taking organizations in Kenya

What Do Youth Savers Want? Results from Market Research in Four Countries

Learning about what youth want in savings accounts

"A Friend Indeed": Evaluation of an Insurance Education Radio Campaign in Kenya

Examining the effectiveness of mass media in insurance consumer education

Mobile Water Payment Innovations in Urban Africa

Evaluating the uptake of mobile water payments in urban Africa

Better than Cash: Kenya Mobile Money Market Assessment

Identifying ways of supporting the mobile money sector in Kenya through a market assessment
Case Study

Same Ends, Different Means: The Role of Social Networks in Shaping M-PESA Use

Examining embeddedness of M-PESA in social networks

Cash In, Cash Out Kenya: The Role of M-PESA in the Lives of Low Income People

How do low-income people use M-PESA?

Improving Client Value from Microinsurance: Insights from India, Kenya and the Philippines

Improving assessments of microinsurance schemes

Kenya's Engagement with the Standard Setting Bodies and the Implications for Financial Inclusion

The implications of implementing international financial standards on financial inclusion in Kenya