All Publications

Showing 241 - 250 of 558

Women’s Empowerment in Rural Community-Driven Development Projects

How can the community-driven development approach enhance women's participation?

Revisiting What Works: Women, Economic Empowerment and Smart Design

What are the most effective interventions to empower women economically?

A Buck Short: What Financial Diaries Tell Us About Building Financial Services That Matter to Low-Income Women

Why do women in emerging markets access and use formal financial services less than men?

Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains

Calling the private sector to invest in closing the gender gap in agribusiness

The Paradox of Gender-Neutral Banking

Making the case for a gender-intelligent business model

Women’s Financial Inclusion: A Driver for Global Growth

Recommendations for various stakeholders to address challenges to financial access

Gender and Financial Inclusion: Analysis of Financial Inclusion of Women in the SADC Region

Cross-country comparisons of access to affordable financial services for women