All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 557
Case Study

The Digital Journey of Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women (SME Loans): A Lesson for Progressive MFIs in Bangladesh

This case study charts how Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women utilized technology to grow its SME portfolio and enhance cost and time efficiency.


Women & Money: Insights and a Path to Close the Gender Gap

This paper presents research findings on the key challenges women face in accessing digital financial services and the design opportunities for the financial sector, policymakers and regulators, the philanthropic sector, NGOs, and designers everywhere.

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Financial Solutions for Women in Rural and Agricultural Livelihoods

This research provides insights on the disproportionate need and strategic opportunity for improving the lives and livelihoods of rural women.


Market Opportunities for Women’s Savings: Evidence From India

This study analyzed data to better understand why and how women save in India to guide financial services providers as they work to better tailor their products to customer needs.


Addressing Gender Norms to Increase Financial Inclusion: Designing for Impact

This guide advocates for funders to use the market system development approach and proactively take gender norms into account when working to increase women’s financial inclusion.

Case Study

Case Studies of Multisectoral Approaches to Integrating Digital Financial Services for Women’s Financial Inclusion

This case study explores whether the use of DFS can be used to accelerate women’s financial inclusion and reduce gender inequality in sectors other than financial service - health, agriculture and MSME. 


Why a Segmentation Strategy Matters for Serving the Women’s Market

This paper explores the needs and preferences of specific women’s market segments as well as tries to understand how a segmentation strategy can support banks to better serve different women segments.


Within Reach: How Digital Wages That Work for Women Can Support Bangladesh’s Economic Future

This report shares HERproject’s experience of supporting 70 garment factories in Bangladesh, with a combined workforce of around 170,000, majority women, to digitize their wages.

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Women in Rural and Agricultural Livelihoods (WIRAL): Review and Synthesis of Literature and Leading Experience

This document synthesizes research conducted and key learnings to date regarding women in rural and agricultural livelihoods incorporating the work of the five core partners convened to further the WIRAL research agenda.


Business Her Own Way: Creating Livelihoods Through Informal Online Commerce

This Focus Note outlines the characteristics of informal online commerce (IOC), maps the personas of the women who engage in it, and provides guidance to funders looking to support women to generate livelihoods through IOC.