All Publications

Showing 831 - 840 of 1017

Self Reliant, Self Respect, Prosperity through SIDBI's Microfinance

Is the "Business Correspondent Model" effective in bringing microfinance into the mainstream?

SHG Banking in India: The Evolution of a Rural Financial Innovation

Development of the Indian rural financial systems through SHG Banking
Case Study

SHG Revolution - A Paradigm Shift: A Case Study of Jay Hanuman Krushak Kalyan Sangh

Change in livelihood through self help groups? A case study

Social Rating Overview of MFIs

The integration of social aspect into the financial and managerial operations of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Supporting Women's ICT-Based Enterprises: A Handbook for Agencies in Development

Manual to help promote, initiate and improve women's ICT-based micro and small enterprise
Case Study

Tapping the Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study of Aviva Life Insurance and Linkages with Microfinance Institutions

A case study on the development of the insurance business in India and linkages to microfinance
Case Study

The DUP Partnership Case: Differential Pricing for Partners

Considering differential interest rates in microfinance

USAID Tsunami Reconstruction Update Oct 2005

Information on the progress of post-tsunami reconstruction initiatives by USAID