All Publications

Showing 851 - 860 of 877

Preliminary Evidence that Integrated Financial and Educational Services Can be Effective Against Hunger and Malnutrition

Results of research on the impacts and benefits resulting from integrated programs

Households, Microenterprises, and Debt

Examines the role of debt as a component of household and microenterprise strategies

Prospects, Problems and Potential of Credit-Granting NGOs

Can NGOs be regarded as ideal providers of credit to small and micro businesses?

Group Credit: A Means to Improve Information Transfer and Loan Repayment Performance

Does group credit system overcome problems of asymmetric information?

Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 24,000

What are the laws that regulate 'private financial funds' in Bolivia?

Credit With Education: A Self-Financing Way to Empower Women

A new approach to empowering women

The Paradigm Shift in Microfinance: A Perspective from HIID

Can institutions providing microfinance services meet the massive demand and remain profitable?

Using Credit Unions as Conduits for Microenterprise Lending: Latin-American Insights

Comparatively assessing the performance of various informal service providers