All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 557

Revolutionizing Product Design in Financial Services

This publication provides FSPs the knowledge to use women-centered design for developing financial products and services that work for women.

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Women and Credit: Access to Credit for Micro and Small Female Entrepreneurs, Including Collective Enterprises in India

This report delves into micro and small women entrepreneurs’ credit journey exploring demand and supply-side factors and provides key recommendations to enhance access to credit for women entrepreneurs.


Strengthening Rural Women’s Climate Resilience: Opportunities for Financial and Agricultural Service Providers

This paper provides an overview of 10 opportunities for service providers, investors, and donors to improve rural women’s resilience to climate change, and gives examples of innovative ways in which financial and agricultural service providers are already seizing these opportunities.


The Gender Data Playbook for Women's Financial Inclusion

This playbook offers a step-by-step guide for financial ecosystem stakeholders on how to boost the systematic collection of high-quality, supply-side, sex-disaggregated financial data to drive women’s financial inclusion.


Women: Risk and Consumer Protection in Online Leading Platforms in Indonesia

This study delves into women's experiences as users of online lending platforms in Indonesia using a gender lens to examine the risks in online lending platforms unique to women.

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Study to Assess the Role and Impact of Women Self-Help Groups as Banking Agents in Bihar​

This slide deck provides the main findings from a CGAP research exploring the role of gender in developing rural agent networks in Bihar State, India, through the State Government's Bank Sakhi Program.



Emerging Trends in National Financial Inclusion Strategies That Support Women’s Entrepreneurship

This World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law - CGAP Brief presents data collected by the WBL project on how National Financial Inclusion Strategies can spur policy and regulatory reforms in support of women’s entrepreneurship.


The Gendered Impacts of Index-Insurance on Food-Consumption: Evidence From Southern Ethiopia

This paper evaluates the gendered impact of an index-based livestock insurance product on food consumption among pastoral households in southern Ethiopia.

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Women in Rural and Agricultural Livelihoods + Climate - Insights, Opportunities, and Strategy

These documents synthesize research and insights to date regarding women in rural and agricultural livelihoods, financial and non-financial services, and climate change.


Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE) Measurement In Financial Inclusion

The Center for Global Development, Data2X, and FinEquity offer a set of indicators to promote a simplified and harmonized approach to measure WEE in the context of financial inclusion programs and initiatives