All Publications

Showing 411 - 420 of 558

Empowerment of Microcredit Participants and its Spillover Effects: Evidence from the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh

Examining impact of microcredit on borrowers' non-economic activities
Case Study

Healthy Women, Healthy Business: A Comparative Study of Pro Mujer's Integration of Microfinance and Health Services

Improving lives of low-income women entrepreneurs in Latin America

Tort Theory, Microfinance, and Gender Equality Convergent in Pecuniary Reparations

Achieving national level reparations through microfinance

Gender, HIV/AIDS and Rural Livelihoods: Micro-Level Investigations in Three African Countries

Mitigating HIV/AIDS impact at household level

Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: Evidence from the Self Help Group Bank Linkage Programme in India

Examining the sufficiency of microfinance as a tool to empower women

Peer Education and Alternative Income: An Effective Mainstreaming Strategy for Devadasi (Temple Prostitutes) Women to Leave Sex Trade in Bellary District, Karnataka, India

World Vision efforts to raise general awareness for HIV and AIDS through mobile medical camps
Case Study

Focus on Film: In Awa's Words – West Africa

Reminding microfinance practitioners of challenges faced by microentrepreneurs

Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

This paper addresses the key issues behind improving women's access to credit in South Africa