All Publications

Showing 341 - 350 of 558

Women are Useful to Microfinance: How Can We Make Microfinance More Useful to Women?

Paper presented at the 2011 Global Microcredit Summit, November 14-17, 2011, Valladolid, Spain

Cash Transfers and Gendered Risks and Vulnerabilities: Lessons from Latin America

Identifying the impact of conditional cash transfers on women’s empowerment

Checklist for Gender Integration in Microfinance Programming

How can a microfinance program satisfy its aim of empowering women?

Credit Officers and Loan Granting in Microfinance: Brazilian Evidence

Assessing role of credit officers in microloan granting decisions

VANWODS Microfinance Impact Assessment 2010

Examining impact of microfinance services on disadvantaged women

Microcredit Participation and Nutrition Outcomes among Women in Peru

Does longer participation in microcredit services improve nutritional outcomes?

Microfinance, HIV and Women's Empowerment

Discussing integrative microfinance and gender empowerment activities

Bridging the Gender Divide: An Experimental Analysis of Group Formation in African Villages

Studying assortative matching by gender in group formation in Zimbabwe