All Publications

Showing 321 - 330 of 422
Case Study

The Impacts of Microcredit: A Case Study from Peru

Are households receiving microcredit better off than their non-client counterparts?

Tracking the Progress of 239 Microcredit Program Participants in Guatemala: 1994-1999

Analyzing long-term patterns of development among microcredit borrowers

Credit with Education: A Promising Title II Microfinance Strategy

Integration of microfinance with health and nutrition education

Governing Development: Neoliberalism, Microcredit, and Rational Economic Woman

Impact of microcredit initiatives on poverty reduction and gender inequality

Microfinance Workshop Report for USAID/Zambia and Credit Management Services (CMS)

A workshop to inform managers about program design

Empowering NGOs: The Microcredit Movement Through Foucault's Notion of Dispositif

A discussion of Foucault's Notion of Dispositif

Towards Understanding the Mismatch between Micro and Macro Level Effects of Microcredit: Causes and Imperatives

Assessing the poverty alleviating effects of microcredit programs in Bangladesh

Credit Scoring: Tool for More Efficient SME Lending

Assessing the impact of credit scoring on lending