All Publications

Showing 231 - 240 of 635

Mobile-Enabled Economic Identities for Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

Digitizing and documenting the economic behavior of end users

Mobilising Cash and Voucher Assistance Programmes: The Case for Mobile Money

Recommendations for effective and efficient use of mobile money in humanitarian contexts

Online Marketplace and Merchant-Centric Services as a Driver of the Platform Model

How mobile money providers can leverage online marketplace to adopt a platform-based business model

Partnering With the Private Sector to Extend Digital Financial Services to the Unbanked

How effective has digital been in promoting access to remittances and financial services?

Testing the Waters: Digital Payments for Water and Sanitation

Outlining the benefits of digital payments on water supply and sanitation sector
Slide Deck

The Financial Agency of Women

Exploring behavioral archetypes in Kenya to understand barriers to digital financial services
Case Study

The Future of G2P Payments: Towards an integrated infrastructure in Bangladesh

Creating a detailed systems design process

The Impact of Data Localisation Requirements on the Growth of Mobile Money-Enabled Remittances

Could data localization rules hamper the growth of mobile money?

The Impact of Mobile Money on Monetary and Financial Stability in Sub-Saharan Africa

Analysis of mobile money's impact on a country’s macroeconomic and financial sector development

The Mobile Money Regulatory Index

Measuring the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks across six enabling dimensions