All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 467

Latin America and Caribbean 2009: Microfinance Analysis & Benchmarking Report

Analyzing financial performance and funding structure of MFIs

Making Business Correspondence Work – Crossing the Second ‘Break-Even'

Making the business correspondent model profitable
Guide / Toolkit

Performance Indicators for Microinsurance: A Handbook for Microinsurance Practitioners – 2nd Edition

Measuring performance in microinsurance
Guide / Toolkit

Product Costing and Performance Analysis: A Toolkit for Analyzing Associations' Service Offerings

Guidelines for associations to achieve long-term financial sustainability
Case Study

BRAC: Anatomy of 'Poverty Enterprise'

Tracing the transformation of a relief distribution agency

Do Risky Borrowers Really Invest in Risky Projects? A Test of Stiglitz and Weiss with Bolivian Microfinance

Choosing between risky and safe projects

New Financial Ratios for Microfinance Reporting

Implementing reporting standards for MFIs

Banks and Microbanks

Effects of competition on MFI profitability and outreach

Business Correspondent Model: A Preliminary Exploration

Improving financial inclusion through the business correspondent model