All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 467

Consolidation of MFIs: Need and Challenges

Analyzing consolidation in India’s microfinance sector
Case Study

Collections with Dignity at FinComún

Examining appropriate collections practices at FinComún, Mexico
Case Study

Rethinking Client "Graduation"

Examining client retention strategy of a MFI

The Distributional Implications of Group Lending

Understanding links between contractual structure, credit outreach and borrower welfare

Avoidance of Over-indebtedness: Guidelines for Financial and Non-financial Evaluation

Incorporating client protection practices into individual loans

Economic Governance of MFIs: Inside the Black Box

Investigating relation between economic governance and the objectives of MFIs

Economies of Scope of Lending and Mobilizing Deposits in Rural Microfinance Institutions: A Semiparametric Analysis

Estimating benefits of entering the savings market for MFIs

Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions of India: A Cross-Sectional Study

Making MFIs sustainable in India

Issues in Subsidies and Sustainability of Microfinance: An Empirical Investigation

Investigating the relationship between the sustainability and efficiency of microfinance