All Publications

Showing 191 - 200 of 560

Agricultural Decisions after Relaxing Credit and Risk Constraints

Identifying factors that contribute to investment decisions of smallholder farmers in Ghana
Guide / Toolkit

Insurance Core Principles, Standards, Guidance and Assessment Methodology

Presenting core supervision principles for the insurance sector

The Social Dilemma of Microinsurance: A Framed Field Experiment on Free-riding and Coordination in Microcredit Groups

Using group insurance to solve the problem of low microinsurance take up

Weather Index-Based Insurance in a Cash Crop Regulated Sector: Ex Ante Evaluation for Cotton Producers in Cameroon

Examining the ability of weather index-based insurance for consumption smoothing
Case Study

A Case for Livestock Insurance

Lessons from IFFCO-TOKIO's implementation of a livestock insurance product

Agent Banking and Insurance: Is There a Value Alignment?

Analyzing the potential for agent banking channels to offer insurance
Case Study

Evaluation of First-Year Results: Fonkoze's Kore W Natural Catastrophe Insurance for Haitian Microentrepreneurs

Examining the performance of microinsurance in Haiti

Insurance Through Bank Agents: How Can It Be Done?

Outlining a strategy to increase bank agents'’ participation in microinsurance