All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 560

ILO's Impact Insurance Facility Annual Report 2014

Lessons learned on how to achieve high quality insurance at scale
Case Study

Loan Protection for Maize Farmers in Burkina Faso

Assessing the efficiency of a maize loan protection insurance product developed by Allianz

Making Public-Private Partnerships Work in Insurance

Designing efficient public-private partnerships in the insurance sector
Guide / Toolkit

Pricing for Microinsurance: A Technical Guide

Discussing general pricing elements of microinsurance products

The Role of Microinsurance in Social Protection: A Country Study of Vietnam

Creating social protection schemes integrated with microinsurance
Case Study

Programme for Sustainable Economic Development in Ghana: Promoting Insurance in Ghana

Discussing the role of the PromIGH project in strengthening the microinsurance sector in Ghana

Scaling Up Index Insurance for Smallholder Farmers: Recent Evidence and Insights

Studying the potential of index-based insurance to benefit smallholder farmers
Case Study

The Value of Claim Analysis in Health Microinsurance: Learnings from Three South Asian Cases

Using claims data to improve health microinsurance products and services

Achieving Scale and Efficiency in Microinsurance Through Retail and Banking Correspondents

Exploring alternative distribution channels to extend the reach of insurance