All Publications

Showing 541 - 550 of 587
Case Study

A French Position

How has French Aid helped enhance the profile of microfinance?

Bulgaria: Cooperatives Act

An Act to regulate the cooperative sector of Bulgaria
Case Study

Case Studies in Microfinance: Albania - Albanian Development Fund (ADF)

Profiling Albania's microfinance sector in 1997 through ADF operations

Kept Out or Opted Out? Understanding and Combating Financial Exclusion

Undertsanding the extent and nature of financial exclusion

Ordinance on Licensing Credit Agencies to Manage Funding For Micro-Credit

Guidelines for licensing microcredit agencies for loan disbursement

Russia: Federal Law on Agricultural Cooperation

Regulating the relationships agricultural cooperatives and their unions need to form and operate

NGO-led Microenterprise Finance Activity Design

Credit support to small enterprises in a transition economy

Regulation on Licensing of Banking Institutions

Examining the licensing procedures for banking institutions and branches of foreign banks in Georgia