All Publications

Showing 351 - 360 of 587

Technical Assistance to the Republic of Azerbaijan for Developing Collateral Framework and Microfinance Regulations

Developing a collateral framework and microfinance regulations for the Government of Azerbaijan

Republic of Turkey: Associations Law

Regulating the activities, liabilities, and auditing of branches and agencies of Turkish non-profits
Case Study

Making Financial Markets Work for the Poor: Guidelines on Microfinance

How can Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation effectively support microfinance?

Priorities for Enhancing Financial Education Among Poor Households in Poland: Qualitative Study Findings

Identifying gaps in financial education of poor households

Understanding Demand for Microinsurance: A Crucial Step to Develop Market-led Products

Will micro insurance succeed in the face of present inhibitors?

Young People: Avoiding Banking Exclusion

Paper presented at Access to Finance International Conference, Brussels

Microfinance and Banks

Proceedings from the European Microcredit Conference: "Training Sessions and Workshop", Belgium
Case Study

Can a Government Loan Work for Microfinance? IFAD's Funding of the Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia

Can microfinance be successful with government loans?

Overview of the Microfinance Industry in the ECA Region in 2003

Which institutional model of microfinance is most productive and profitable?
Case Study

Microinsurance Pre-Feasibility Study - Albania

What are the factors that affect the feasibility of offering a microinsurance product in Albania?