All Publications

Showing 221 - 230 of 465

The Stories Algorithms Tell: Bias and Financial Inclusion at the Data Margins

This publication shares insights for financial inclusion stakeholders on what algorithms can say about who is creditworthy in emerging markets, the risks for those it leaves out, and what it all might mean for inclusive finance.


What's Next for Social Protection in Light of COVID-19: Country Responses

This publication focuses on the urgency and importance of providing comprehensive and adequate social protection to all—especially in times of crisis.


Youth Financial Inclusion Policy Framework

Based on AFI members experiences, this policy framework provides regulatory and policy approaches recommended to advance the youth financial inclusion agenda.


2019 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

CGAP Funder Survey documenting global trends in funding for financial inclusion.


Algorithmic Bias, Financial Inclusion, and Gender

A primer on opening up new credit to women in emerging economies

Guide / Toolkit

Crisis Roadmap for Microfinance Institutions: COVID-19 and Beyond

Steps microfinance institutions can take to navigate the pandemic and prepare for future crises


Disaster Resilience Through Financial Inclusion

The role of financial regulators in disaster risk reduction


Evidence Review on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) and Its Relationship With Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE)

Understanding the evidence of designed interventions to prevent and respond to VAWG


Fostering the Transformation of Agri-Food Systems

2021 DID intervention framework


Global COVID-19 Survey Report: Insights for Financial Inclusion

Findings on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impaired the quality of life of economically disadvantaged populations around the world