All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 128

PAYGo PERFORM, Data Collection Pilot

This report presents the findings of a pilot aimed at testing and refining the PAYGo Performance, Reporting and Measurement (PERFORM) key performance indicators.


Addressing Climate and Disaster Risk Through Inclusive and Participatory Mechanisms

This working paper explores inclusive and participatory risk finance and transfer mechanisms as part of a comprehensive risk management framework.


Savings and Climate Resilience

This knowledge review focuses on successes and challenges in building up climate resilience, across three dimensions: disaster preparedness, response, and adaptation to climate change.

Guide / Toolkit

Demand-side Approach to Inclusive Green Finance Data Collection

This Guideline Note discusses a first approach to demand-side data collection to support financial regulators and financial service providers to measure the needs and perspectives of the target populations related to the impact of climate-related events.


Disaster Resilience Through Financial Inclusion

The role of financial regulators in disaster risk reduction


Greening the Financial Sector Through Provision Policies: The Role of Central Banks

This special report examines how central banks and other financial regulatory institutions are involved in efforts to green the financial system through provision policies.


Promoting Inclusive Green Finance Initiative and Policies

This report seeks to deepen understanding of the first “P” — Promotion — of the 4P Framework for Inclusive Green Finance by sharing the experiences of AFI members who have begun promoting IGF in their countries, such as through awareness raising, capacity building and data collection.


Inclusive Green Finance: From Concept to Practice

This study explores the overlaps of green finance and financial inclusion in addressing the issues of environmental change, financial stability, and social equity, and calls for the integration of both finance concepts into the emerging inclusive green finance (IGF) policy area.

Case Study

Climate Risk Insurance for the Agriculture Sector in Armenia

This case study details specific conditions that make Armenia’s agricultural sector vulnerable to climate change, and steps that the Central Bank of Armenia has taken to cope with the effects of a warming climate.


Climate Risk Insurance in the Caribbean

This publication details lessons from the CRAIC project and Livelihood Protection Policy, spanning across four different themes: managing expectations, product design, market development and engagement for sustainability.