All Publications

Showing 171 - 180 of 288
Guide / Toolkit

Strategic Management Toolkit Overview (From Mission to Action: Management Series for Microfinance Institutions)

An overview of a toolkit that supports MFIs’ strategic management and double bottom line

Strategies for Managers Working within Founder's Syndrome Organizations (Emerging Topics Paper Series #7)

Examines activities to address organizational challenges in leader-run social institutions

Core Principles Methodology

Principles in prudential banking and supervision
Guide / Toolkit

Microenterprise Standards and Guide

What documents or processes are required to comply with a given standard?

A Technical Guide to Increasing Citizen Participation: How Credit Unions Strengthen Democracy

How do credit unions promote democratic principles?
Case Study

A Case Study in Transformation: The Creation of Uganda Microfinance Limited (ACCION Monograph #15)

Highlighting the Uganda Microfinance Union transformation to a regulated deposit-taking institution

AML/CFT Regulations: Balancing Security with Access

How will government security regulations on banks affect microfinance institutions?

Governance: Organizing, Developing and Empowering Boards to Oversee MFI Operations

This paper examines issues in corporate governance for MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Handbook for the Analysis of the Governance of Microfinance Institutions

Guide to address governance challenge in MFIs