All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 305

Remittances and their Macroeconomic Impact: Evidence from Africa

Understanding determinants and impact of remittances in the African economy

2012 MENA Regional Snapshot

Presenting the current status of the microfinance sector in MENA

Graduation Out of Poverty in Yemen: Impact of the Political Crisis on the Extreme Poor

Analyzing the impact of political instability on the Graduation pilot in Yemen

The Finance and Growth Nexus Re-Examined: Do All Countries Benefit Equally?

Employing an econometric methodology to study the linkages between finance and growth

Supporting Access to Finance for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises with Partial Credit Guarantees: The Moroccan Experience

Outlining the efforts of Moroccan government and other actors to support MSMEs
Case Study

Morocco: Key Success Factors for the Creation of a Postal Bank

Case study on the establishment of a postal bank with a mission of financial inclusion

Microfund for Women's Caregiver Experience: Lessons from Jordan on Health Microinsurance

Factors that contributed to the success of a private health microinsurance initiative in Jordan

Establishment and Expansion of Islamic Microfinance Instituitions (MFIs) in Africa by Farz Foundation

Expanding Islamic microfinance activities into Africa

Can Postal Networks Advance Financial Inclusion in the Arab World?

How can postal networks facilitate financial inclusion in Arab countries?

Jordan Microfinance Market Study

Assessing the demand for new and varied financial products among microfinance clients