All Publications

Showing 91 - 100 of 263
Case Study

Proportionality in Practice: Disclosure of Information

Supervisor’s perspectives on the rationale, design and implementation of regulation
Case Study

Responsible Finance: The Making of Association-Led Client Grievance Redress Mechanisms - Experiences of AMFIU in Uganda and Consortium Alafia in Benin

Processes and lessons learned in implementing complaint resolution systems

Ensuring Financial Education and Consumer Protection for All in the Digital Age

How can we help consumers better manage potential digital risks and benefits?

Financial Inclusion, Stability, Integrity, and Protection: Observations and Lessons for the I-SIP Approach from the Philippines

Drawing valuable lessons from the experience of policy makers on integrating financial inclusion

Fraud in Mobile Financial Services: Protecting Consumers, Providers, and the System

Identifying key fraud risk factors and vulnerabilities to minimize harm

European Code of Good Conduct: Discussion Note

Recommended steps to strengthen the Code structure and process

Study on the Drivers of Over-Indebtedness of Microfinance Borrowers in India: An In-Depth Investigation of Saturated Areas

What factors lead to over-indebtedness, and how can it be prevented?

Voices of Microfinance Clients: A Study of Microfinance Clients’ Concerns, Perceptions and Delights

Findings from interviews with over 1,000 clients of Indian MFIs

Financial (Dis-)Information: Evidence from a Multi-Country Audit Study

Review of the regulatory environment for low-income households in Ghana, Mexico and Peru

Enhancing Financial Capability and Inclusion in Senegal: A Demand-side Survey

Key findings and recommendations for building a more inclusive financial sector