All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 560

Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Insurance Sector

Methodology for assessing the implementation of the key attributes of effective resolution regimes for financial institutions

Case Study

1st for Women, South Africa - The Case for Insuring Women for a Better Tomorrow

This case study explores the business case for women-centric insurance products in South Africa.


Never Waste a Crisis: How Sub-Saharan African Insurers Are Being Affected By, and Are Responding To, COVID-19

Equipping insurers and regulators to embrace and adopt innovation
Case Study

AXA Mansard, Nigeria – The Case for Insuring Women for a Better Tomorrow

This case study showcases the business case for women's insurance in Nigeria.


COVID-19 and the Insurance Industry: Why a Gender-Sensitive Response Matters

Advice intended to assist IFC clients and partners in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

Agricultural Insurance for Smallholder Farmers

Digital innovations for scale
Case Study

NBC Mozambique

This Case Brief showcases the partnership between International Labour Organization - Social Finance and NBC Mozambique through which partnerships  were identified and secured to distribute microinsurance in the country.


Asia Microinsurance Supply-Side Study

Understanding insurer perspectives of the microinsurance market in five countries

Assessment of Public Perception, Awareness and Confidence in Insurance in Ghana

Assessment conducted in urban, peri-urban and rural localities of Ghana with 1,038 individual respondents