All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 93

Financial Market Fragmentation and Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Can policy reform overcome the problem of market fragmentation?

Rural Financial Policies for Food Security of the Poor: Methodologies for a Multi-country Research Project

Identifying policies and institutional arrangements for access to savings and credit systems

Malawi: Directive on Foreign Currency Exposure Limits

The laws governing prudential limits within which foreign exchange positions may be held in Malawi

Malawi: Directive on Minimum Capital Ratios for Financial Institutions

What are the minimum capital standard requirements for financial institutions in Malawi?

Attitudes and Practices of Credit Union Members and Non-Members in Malawi and Grenada: Synthesis Report

What is the nature and extent of credit union involvement in MSE financing?

Malawi: Directive on Credit Concentration for Financial Institutions

What are the laws governing credit concentration requirements for financial institutions in Malawi?

Malawi: Directive on Minimum Capital Ratios for Banks

What are the minimum capital ratios for banks in Malawi?

Malawi: Prudential Guidelines on Assets Quality for Banks

Law establishing capital adequacy requirements for Malawi banks

Malawi: Prudential Guidelines on Assets Quality for Financial Institutions

Law establishing capital adequacy requirements for Malawi financial institutions

Malawi: Banking Act of 1989

How does the Reserve Bank of Malawi control the operations of banks and financial institutions?