All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 129

Over-Indebtedness of Microborrowers in Ghana

Protecting microfinance clients from over-indebtedness

Taking Stock: Financial Education Initiatives for the Poor

Increasing outreach through financial education

Technology Program Country Note: Ghana

Examining the potential of branchless banking in Ghana

The Measurement and Determinants of Economic Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

Identifying practices that cause economic inefficiencies in the microfinance sector
Case Study

Compare: Practices & Results of a Selection of Solar Power/Microfinance Projects in West Africa

Promoting development in poor communities by self-sufficient and sustaining activities

How Can Microfinance for Housing, Land, and Infrastructure Catalyze Slum Improvements and New Settlements?

Paper presented at the 2011 Global Microcredit Summit, November 14-17, 2011, Valladolid, Spain

Cashless Value Chain Crop-financing by CARD: A Partnership Model

Financing small farmers through cashless model

The Effect of Microinsurance on Economic Activities: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment

Promoting economic activity by protecting farmers from risks
Case Study

The Shea Value Chain Reinforcement Initiative in Ghana: Case Study

Empowering women through microfinance and technology